The name’s Wingman. Reporting for duty and ready to be on your six all night long. Touching down in bars and pubs across the land, I’m here to let the good times roll and keep the whole squadron flying in perfect formation. Ready to earn your wings? See you in the cockpit.
The myth. The legend. The eagle wearing aviator goggles. Wingman is here to rescue every night out and let the good times roll. Need some company when your friends are inevitably 45 minutes late? Wingman’s here. Looking for the perfect sessionable IPA to see you through the evening? Wingman has you covered. Haven’t got a location for the after party? Wingman knows a place. There’s nothing Wingman won’t do to keep his squadron flying in perfect formation. You never leave your Wingman, and he never leaves you.
What makes Wingman the perfect co-pilot? Mellow tropical fruits, piney notes and sharp citrus aroma fly in perfect formation for a refreshing and sessionable IPA that you’ll want to sip all night long. With a steady boozing altitude of 4.3%, it’s interesting enough to drink for the long haul and sessionable enough to keep a level head while you do it. Wingman’s locked target on the perfect beer. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy it.
Session IPA is flying
Session IPA is the largest craft beer in the On Trade market, worth over £186m a year, has high rate of sale and in huge growth. This subcategory is a must stock to grow your sales!
Want Wingman to fly into your venue? We’ll get you covered. Touch base at [email protected] and we’ll parachute Wingman in ASAP.