17th March
We could come up with a load of clever ways to tell you we’re selling pints of Black Heart FOR TWO POUNDS on St Patrick’s Day.
We could make a big thing about how Black Heart will be the only stout you will find on tap for £2 across the UK on stout drinkers’ biggest day of the year.
But it’s pints of Black Heart. For £2 each. No catches.
So we’ll just shut up and let you go and enjoy some very affordable great pints.
(By the way, in Scotland, you’re getting this amazing offer for three whole days, not one. Weirdly, that’s not due to government legislation rather than our generosity. Long story.)
Terms & Conditions
Available from Monday 17th in England & Wales.
Available from Monday 17th March - Wednesday 19th March in Scotland.
Not usable with any other offer/discount (Eg - EFP Discount, Wings Wednesday)
Not available at:
Hull, Upminster, Edinburgh Airport, Gatwick Airport, Belfast Grand Central.
Not valid for takeaway orders.
At management discretion, another draught beer may be offered if Black Heart is not available.
Staff have the right to refuse service based on responsible drinking legislation.